Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Re: 2020 USMFA Reunion

On Tuesday, February 4, 2020, 01:46:43 PM CST, janet harvey <jkh1256@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hello Members and Friends of the United States McCraw Family Association! 

We are excited to provide updated information for the USMFA 2020 Reunion which will be held in Fairhope, Alabama from Friday, June 26 through Sunday, June 28, 2020.  Our host, Phyllis Pittman Ledine has been working hard to put together a terrific reunion.  During the reunion, we will have time to visit and share stories with other descendants of William I.  We will get updates on ongoing research to find the land that William settled on as well as our DNA project.  Our Saturday night banquet will include a delicious menu and live music.  The fillable registration form is attached for your convenience.  You may complete the form, print and send it with a check to Tim McCraw at the address on the form.  

As an added convenience, you may now choose to complete the reunion registration form and pay the registration fee at our website.  Click this link to complete the registration online 2020 Reunion

Phyllis has made arrangements for those who are interested to meet for dinner on Thursday and Friday nights.  If you are interested in one or both of these optional events, please let Phyllis know (phyllisledine@gmail.com) so that you will be added to the reservation.  You will find more information about these locations at their websites and on the registration form.

Thursday night we will meet for dinner at McSharry's Irish Pub.     

Friday's optional dinner will be at the Pier Bar and Grill.

Now is a good time to make reservations for your hotel stay.  The Holiday Inn Express on Greeno Road (US 98) will be the location of our meetings, and many attendees will want to stay there.   A block of 10 rooms is being held for June 25, 26, and 27, 2020.  The rooms are $109 for Thursday night and $139 each for Friday and Saturday nights.  The room block code is RFC.  Your Holiday Inn reservation is entirely separate from the Reunion registration and must be handled directly with the Fairhope Holiday Inn Express.  The hotel phone number is 251-928-9191.   

While you are on the Gulf Coast, why not make a vacation of attending the 2020 reunion and visit some local attractions before or after the reunion?  I have attached information about the reunion and attractions in the surrounding area for your information.  

Also, now is a good time to renew your USMFA Membership.  Many members like to renew their memberships at the same time that they register for the reunion.  A fillable membership form for the 2020-2022 period is attached for your convenience.  You may complete the form and mail it with your check to Tim McCraw at the address on the form.  

As a convenient alternative, it is now possible to complete the membership form and pay online at our website.  Click this link Join The USMFA!    to visit the membership page and join or renew your membership for 2020 - 2022.  

Thanks to the efforts of our Webmaster, Scott McGraw, the website is a wealth of information.  You will find information about our family history, past reunions, and about our plans for the 2020 reunion.  

One final note:  We will be presenting the first USMFA Carol McCraw Award of Merit this summer at the reunion banquet.  This award was created to recognize and celebrate contributions to our knowledge and understanding of William I and his descendants.  Carol McCraw (the main author of It Is McCraw Not McGraw, our treasure trove of information) was an obvious choice for the title of the award as well as for the first recipient.  Members may nominate a candidate for the 2022 award from now until December 31, 2021, so be thinking of someone that you would like to recognize in this way.  


I hope to see you all in Fairhope for our 2020 USMFA Reunion!

Janet Harvey
Secretary, USMFA