Dear United States McCraw Family Members and Friends,
Every two years we look forward to welcoming our family and friends to our biennial reunion. As you know, our event was scheduled for this summer and preparations were being finalized for a great time in Fairhope, Alabama. But these are unprecedented times and although it was unthinkable only a short time ago, we have been forced to consider canceling our signature event. We delayed making a decision and had hoped the pandemic would abate and allow us to hold our reunion as scheduled. Current guidance from the CDC recommends we stay home as much as possible and avoid close contact. They warn that staying in temporary accommodations (hotels, motels, and rental properties) may expose you to the virus through person-to-person contact and possibly through contact with contaminated surfaces and objects. They also state that traveling to visit friends and family increases your chances of getting and spreading COVID-19 and recommends that people avoid all non-essential travel, especially if you are at higher risk of severe illness.
Considering the advisement from the CDC and with our utmost concern being the health and safety of our family members the board has voted to cancel the 2020 reunion. While this news is unfortunate, we hope it also provides a level of certainty in otherwise uncertain times. As of now, our plan is to reschedule this year's Fairhope Reunion for the same venue in 2022.
While we won't be able to be together this summer, you can always find updates and additional information on our website.
You can also find us on Facebook at McCraw Genealogy.
In the future, will meet at a reunion with Covid-19 in the rear-view mirror. Until then, take care of yourselves and stay safe.
Janet Harvey
Secretary, USMFA