Wednesday, April 28, 2021


Hello USMFA Family and Friends,

I want to let you know that USMFA Board Member and longtime member, Bill McCraw, and his wife, Marci, were in a serious car accident on Monday.  Marci was airlifted by helicopter to a hospital in Nashville, about an hour from their home. She sustained multiple broken bones, other internal injuries as well as cuts and bruises.  She underwent surgery due to a broken pelvis and while in recovery experienced temporary heart rhythm irregularities.  Her recovery will be lengthy, but currently, she has been stepped down from Trauma 1 to Trauma 2. Bill was taken by ambulance to a local hospital where he was treated and eventually released.  He does not appear to have any broken bones, but has cuts and bruises throughout his body and has several points of pain.  He is recuperating at home with the help of his son.  Bill was able to speak with Marci this morning and her spirits seemed good.   

Please remember to tell your loved ones that you love them and keep Bill, Marcie and their family in your thoughts and prayers.  

Janet Harvey
Secretary USMFA