Friday, June 26, 2020

USMFA Members and Friends

Hello United States McCraw Family Members and Friends!

I hope this weekend finds you and your family healthy and finding joy where you can.  We were supposed to be enjoying the 2020 USMFA Reunion in Fairhope, Alabama this weekend.  The Coronavirus intervened and made that impossible, so instead, we will look forward to meeting for the 2022 Reunion.  That reunion will hopefully take place in Fairhope and confirmation of that will be made in the coming weeks.  

My husband and I accidentally discovered Fairhope a number of years ago.  We had driven to Gulf Shores to spend a few days on the beach.  Our first day there, we carried our beach chairs, books, as well as a cooler, and set up on the beach.  There was a consistent cloud cover above, but the breeze was delightful and the sound and view of the waves hitting the shore made for a very relaxing setting.  Before we knew it, we had spent hours enjoying our books under the clouds.  When we returned to our hotel room, we discovered that we were lobster red with sunburn.  We were both a little embarrassed that we had been caught in this way because we were well past old enough to know better.  The next morning neither of us wanted anything to do with more sun exposure so we loaded in the car and set out to explore the Alabama countryside.  The road eventually led us to Fairhope where we found a charming southern town.  We discovered art galleries, restaurants, boutiques, gift and specialty stores, tree lined streets and beautiful views of the Mobile Bay.  We visited a pecan farm just outside of Fairhope and made purchases to take with us.  I was taken with Fairhope from that visit and have always wanted to return for a longer stay.   Hopefully, we will meet there for our 2022 Reunion because I'm sure you will enjoy Fairhope as much as I did on that trip.  

Usually, we remind our members to join USMFA or renew their memberships as we build toward our reunion.  Current memberships expire on June 30, so be sure and renew yours today if you haven't already.  We now have two ways to join/renew.  You may print the membership form that is attached below and mail it along with a check to Tim McCraw at the address on the form.  Alternatively, thanks to our Webmaster, Scott McGraw, you may join/renew at our website.  Click JOIN US  to join/renew online.   

Also, be sure to check out the store on the website.  New McCraw Family items have been added (you can even find a USMFA face mask) and it would be great to see many attendees wearing McCraw Family t-shirts at our next reunion.  Click STORE to see the new items.

Enjoy the rest of the summer and stay safe!

Janet Harvey
Secretary, USMFA

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